We have won price in Climatization Industry Product and Engineering Design Competition
In Climatization Industry Product and Engineering Design Competition that is arranged traditionally every year by Climatization Industry Exporters Union, under the advisory of our faculty's Energy Systems Engineering department academic personal Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlhan CEYLAN, application with 3 different projects has been done and among 57 projects in the competition, the projects with the titles "Evaporative Heat Recovery Methods" and "Design of Solar Collector and Panel with Heat Store with Condenser" have been chosen inside the last 14 projects. At the final stage of the competition, on the other hand, the project with the title "Design of Solar Collector and Panel with Heat Store with Condenser" has been awarded with the second prize by the jury.

The study is on ambience heating of air solar collector in winter. In our country; while solar energy water collectors are benefitted intensively, air solar collectors are never benefitted. In many countries that are less external dependent compared to us in terms of energy, although the insolation durations are quite shorter compared to us, solar energy air collectors are benefitted in winter for heating. We congradulate our teacher who expresses that air solar collectors are quite important for their low costs, for they are safe and environment friendly and congradulate his students M. Tolunay GÖKER, Atakan YENİLİKÇİ, Naim ÖZETÇİ, Halit Akın ÖRS and Selim ADAKUL for their success.